Author: Tim Page 1 of 2

Corner Baseboard Removed

Dining Room Makeover – Part 2…

Right, so, let’s get started with this Dining room shall we?  Wait, before we get into the pictures, let me preface everything by saying, we’re not exactly sure…

Corner Cabinet Sketch Preview

Dining Room Makeover – Part 1…

I’ll start this post by giving you a little history into our thinking for this project.  Let’s go back in time about three years to when we moved…

View from the dock

Fun Fishy Weekend…

Good Friends?  Check.  Fun location?  Check.  Fishing rods?  Check.  Such a great weekend up at Paupac! Elane and I were joined up at Paupac this weekend with some…


Last week I wrote with some exciting news about Elane getting a new car.  This week we have another new addition to the Brown household!  This is Eos,…

New Car!

Elane’s Oldsmobile lasted quite a number of years, but a few problems over the last year or so made us realize that we needed a new car. After…


In slightly more recent news, Elane completed her New Year’s resolution already this year by running a half-marathon.  The weekend after our Jamaican vacation she ran the St….

Costa Rica

While I’m in the posting-old-news mode, I figured I’d add some pictures of our Honeymoon/Spring Break trip from last year also.  We got married in October of 2009,…

WordPress Themes

Call me a computer geek, but I really enjoy playing with WordPress themes.  A few months ago I wrote the Brim Studio theme from scratch and have really…